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Monday, May 31, 2010



Anonymous said...

Hmmmm Am I first?

Per the last few comments from last month. If a hunter shoots someone then they need to be arrested. It is their responsability to know where their shot is going. As far as the inconvieniance for the wildlife. The wildlife will adjust just like they did when your house/community was built!! Nobody is industrializing the trail!

Kill them with kindness.... I will give credit to those who are good people coming out of Illinois But, Hoosier Hospitality goes out the window when people take advantage of you and demand you cater to them. Sorry they and their money can get lost.

Anonymous said...

I attended Monday's Memorial Day activities at the courthouse and cemetary in Knox. Well done Kenny Van Asdall! Thank you for your many years of service and organziation of this event. Kudos to the VFW, American Legion and other affiliated organizations.

The Knox Band did an outstanding job; well done Mr. Phipps! May Crider your singing was beautiful. And thank you to all our service men and women and their families for your sacrifice.
Hats off to everyone that participated and showed up to give recoginition to our fallen war heroes.

It was unfortunate that Judge McLaughlin's speech was too long and inappropriate for the occassion.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Third comment of this month,

You obviously must be from the "s...l...o...w.." class. Even though you bash those living in North Judson your Grammar leaves much to be desired! Plese dont inform us of where you are from. You might embarass the whole community!

Anonymous said...

He rides the little bus!

Anonymous said...

Can someone please ask Mr. Weaver what is happening with Sysco? What is the latest on this mystery company that is going to bring 1000 new jobs to our area? Is it going to happen in my lifetime? I'm 34. My children's lifetime? They're 7 and 3? The 21st. century? It's nice the water tower is painted. In the Leader last week we saw a beautiful picture. But who cares if the water tower is painted or not. Could someone either on your staff, The Leader, The Newshawk, please ask Mr. Weaver to fill us in? It's like we're dying of thirst, and Sysco is a mirage.

Anonymous said...

Since we can ask our government officials questions- Here is mine: When was Mark Smith and the rest of the county council going to tell us that they were told twice that they were in violation of federal and state law? This is about Starke County not having a health inspector.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the health department. Do they have hours for their office like the rest of the county offices or do they just make up their own hours? I've been there a few times now and tried again today to stop in there to get some information...lights were out and nobody was home even though it was not lunch time and the rest of the offices in the court house were open. Does Frank (I'm told he's the only one in that office) make up his own hours? Nothing was posted on the door stating what the hours are so I'd kind of like to know when to make ANOTHER trip to town.

Anonymous said...

did you check all of the smoking areas at the courthouse?

Anonymous said...

There are smoking areas??? I am giving up. I guess I'll just have to try to get the information I needed somewhere else.

Tony said...

Where is the money going that food service businesses pay to the county for food inspections? Frank and Dave are suppose to be doing the inspections in addition to their regular jobs. Shouldn't some of that money be able to fund the pay for the p/t food inspector? Some of those businesses pay $100 a year. Will the media look into that?

Anonymous said...

To the person that commented on the Judson people not being smart about the bike path. It is a great place for people to walk, run or ride bikes with their familes. No cars to watch out for, so it is safer for them. Thanks to the town of North Judson and the railroad museum for making this possible.

Pat said...

Knox, IN and Starke Co. need to denounce Bloomington, IN boycott on Arizona over the Immigration Law. This is the same law that's been intact for decades, yet the Federal Gov't will not enforce it, so AZ had too. Yet everyone is upset over this, & have no idea the problems AZ encounters over illegals. Every county in the USA spends $ on illegals, & we wonder why we're in debt. We as Hoosiers need to show our dissatisfaction over the lack of support & boycotts aimed at Arizona, for I'm proud of their courage for standing up.

Dennis said...

Get the Illegals out no excuses!!! I am impressed that Arizona has enough mustard to tell Washington that this is just the way it is. Boycotting Arizona is stupid! It seems it is the most patriotic of all the states!

Anonymous said...

New Mexico, Texas, California all have the same problems with immigrants and they don't have the nerve bor leadership to stand up to the feds. As a matter of fact all the states have that problem to some degree, so boycott the federal govt.

Anonymous said...

There is a simple answer to the illegal immigration problem....just enforce the laws that are already on the books! Bravo to Arizona for doing something the feds don't have the guts to do!

Anonymous said...

I feel now, more than ever, that important decisions such as Immigration, Healthcare, Abortion, Prayer/Bible in School and many other issues SHOULD BE PUT ON THE ELECTION BALLOTS TO LET THE AMERICAN PEOPLE DECIDE. We should decide, point blank, not a bunch of "shirt & ties", behind closed doors making deals for earmarks. Besides, NO Representative totally feels exactly what the majority does on every issue, so why not let the people decide? Because honestly, they just don't think that we're intelligent enough to make an educated decision, which is really sick, because they really kiss butt @ election time, so obviously that respect they show doesn't go past their smile.

Anonymous said...

Have we forgotten that this entire country was FOUNDED by IMMIGRANTS?

Anonymous said...

Cross over the border ilegally into Mexico and see what happens too you.

Anonymous said...

It isn't IMMIGRANTS that are the problem...it is the ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS that people dislike. The majority of us are descendants of immigrants, but they came legally and accepted the rules of this country when they came...they learned to speak the language, paid their taxes and worked for what they had. They did not come here looking for free health care, free food, free housing--unwilling to pay taxes and do an honest day's work for an honest day's pay.

Anonymous said...

No, we haven't forgotten that this whole country was founded by immigrants....LEGAL ONES! Therein lies the difference!

Anonymous said...

Actually, it's hard to forget that our nation was founded by immigrants. The evidence is strong in the history of every family. My ancestors came here from England, Scotland, Germany (to Ohio) and Ireland (to Iowa) during a time when there were virtually no legal restrictions against doing so. The grandparents of my wife, came to Lake County from Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia in the 1920's and 30's. They were sponsored by family members, entered through Ellis Island, learned English and became American citizens. We have photocopies of all of the legal documents to prove it. Each one suffered the racial and social discrimination of the day (especially the family of my Irish grandfather). Nevertheless, they worked hard and became part of the culture and the country. We have a far different situation now. We are being flooded by millions of illegal immigrants from places like Russia, Costa Rica, China and Mexico who disregard and subvert our basic laws, and deplete the resources of our schools, hospitals and police departments. And, when we complain or try to put a stop to it, we are called racists and haters. In our history, as you rightly recall, we have been a nation which welcomed immigrants. We still do. But, we are also a nation of laws, and need to enforce the laws that already exist against illegal immigration.

Immigrants who are here illegally.
That's the difference...and the problem.

Anonymous said...

well said!

Anonymous said...

Ask the Native American Indians how well their illegal immigrants blended in, adapted and learned the language. They couldn't get rid of their illegal immigrant problem, I doubt we can either.

Anonymous said...

I want to say how nice the park is looking. The new sidewalk is great, along with the higher fence for walker protection from baseballs. The new pavilion is awesome, & am glad a local contractor got the job. And the park has been so busy all summer, so it's nice to see that it's a positive source of recreation for our citizens.

Anonymous said...

yes i was recently told that there will be no summer program for the small kids at the park ,,there will only be travel league,,because the woman running this league stole the money ,,,if this is true why has wkvi not reported on this incedent ? and as far as the travel league goes ,,alot of parents cant afford this so our children wont be playing,,because of the bad economy,,,can someone please check into this ,,and restitution of the money would only be right ,,,thanks.

Anonymous said...

ACTUALLY....pertaining you the Baseball question, the KVA Travel League has been in practice for around 10 years in Girls Softball. It's been so successful, that it has been introduced for the Boys Baseball, due to last year that there was only a few teams at most levels & those teams ended playing each other ALL season long. We've immensely enjoyed KVA Baseball & are grateful for all those that have worked so hard to make it a success. As for the "theft" you mention, ALL the thousands of dollars that was in the former league's account, it was stated in the by-laws that if the league ever folded that the $ goes to the Starke Co. Youth Club, which it has. BUT...the KVA is actually the same cost, kids get to keep their uniforms, we carpool to save $(only 7 away games that aren't very far), & most important is the kids enjoy getting far more competition. So hope this answers your question & hope you give your child the chance, for we're certain they'll enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

ACTUALLY the travel league has been a disaster for little kids playing baseball. Our boys enjoyed playing ALL their games in the park far more than this travel leageu and it was more conveniant by far. Bring back hometown baseball for kids.

Anonymous said...

... wow! Knox will never change

Anonymous said...

baseball should be under the control of the soccer board, boy that is a great club.

Anonymous said...

Why would you suggest that baseball "should be controlled by the soccor board"? I'm glad that they do a great job, but is it possible that there are other organized, responsible people out there that can run another sport, or are these the only competent people in the county? I'm not sure what they know about baseball, but I have to say that those running Starke Co. KVA baseball are doing a great job. Baseball fields require a 1000% more maintenence than mowing a soccor field, which is no disrespect to the soccor staff, which we also Congratulate them on their Championship, we're very proud of your success. But please don't disrespect those working their butt off to bring a successful baseball organization to Knox. Yes, I do miss in-town baseball, as with what I grew up with. But w/ 2 or 3 teams constantly playing each other is terrible. But then...once we experienced KVA...IT'S A WHOLE NEW BALL GAME, AND IT'S GREAT. So...with how hard these kids & coaches are working, we hope they will all make the community very proud, for if you'd come watch a game or 2, I'm certain that you'd say "That's my team". So we thank you for your support.

Anonymous said...

Just for your info. "Just" mowning a soccer field takes a lot of time just like any other sport.. We just don't mow which buy the way take 6-8 hours. Now let's include painting the lines on the fields each week some time more.. That takes about 4 hours, then lets see I could go on and on but won't. The board members on the Soccer League work as hard as any other league.. What the people need to think about is that all these leagues are ran by the parents of the kids.. We don't get paid! We do it for the Children. So my suggestion to the people who complain about not having this or that need to step up and become involved.

Anonymous said...

soccer not soccor!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the post of become involved!! We have our habitual complainers but when it comes to needing help or an extra hand they are nowhere to be found!! Soccer is amazing and this years baseball blows any baseball program out of the water that has ever been in our community! People complain about travel-Kingsbury, Kingsford Heights, Westville, LaPorte. Most places are much closer than what other organizations travel for their games. But, please remember that any of the ADULTS involved with any of these youth sports (Board members, coaches and active parents) dedicate their lives during those times to making sure that they run smoothly! Soccer and Baseball do plan on working together next year for some scheduling things as there were a few issues and I know they are also working on some concession issues so that not as many trips need to be made to Sam's Club by either organization! Please remember it is donated time and gas that makes the trips to get uniforms, concession goods, paint, etc from board members in both organizations. It is amazing at how the peanut gallery can sit and complain but won't get off their butts and do anything! I give a big round of applause to both the Soccer board and the Baseball board for the programs both have put on for my children this year!! I cannot thank them enough for providing excellent learning environments that keep kids off the streets!!

Anonymous said...

How much is this Murder Trial costing us taxpayers? I know they locked the jury up for 2 weeks, which indirectly affected a short vacation we had planned, & we're not even on the jury. We don't even know these people, yet it's costing us tax $, and big hassles in people's lives that have nothing to do with any of this. I wonder if people who choose to commit hideous crimes such as this, or even lesser crimes, realize it affects far more people than those directly involved. I thought our Court Process was supposed to be "quick & speedy", but any trial we hear of nowadays seems to take years. It costs a fortune just paying for their "free" defense attorny's. If we applied common sense to our Court System(quicker trials w/ speedy Death Sentence for murders), we'd save billions on prison costs. I like Utah's method of a speedy Firing Squad. But like the court's, everything has thrown common sense out the window & has become a long, drawn-out $ sponge. And we wonder why we're in debt. But...ALSO...as the Tax-Base decreases, shouldn't the Gov't decrease proportionately?

Anonymous said...

No, sir that means the government will grow because their relatives are going to need jobs and then there will have to be a board made uo to decide what happens now ans a committee or two to check that out, have you not learnt the system yet? Where were you when they had classes in scrpeomore? Missed that one huh?

Anonymous said...

well atleast the people are leaving the chicago people alone in this blog and are on baseball and soccer. next the free lunch programs will be under attack. free lunch is free money from above lol.

Anonymous said...

does anyone know anything about the fire on culver rd saturday night?

Anonymous said...

There is a small subdivision by our property. 2 lots were sold and in the ad it was stated "NO TRAILERS" well there is a travel trailer on the property. The bad part is that there is no toilet facillities on the property as the residents either go into a shed they put up on the property or behind the tree in the tree line. These people are out only on the weekend and of course the county only works weekdays. What do you do?

Anonymous said...

Response to trailor on lot. Call the Planning Commission and the Health dept. They will neet the address of the location. 1-574-772-9133

Anonymous said...

trailer people.

well i dont think i would go snooping around the shed midweek.

i think no trailer refers to no mobile homes. a camper is a not a mobile home. if they own the property not a lot you can do. i think i would trade my next door trailer people for yours sight unseen.

Anonymous said...

OMG! Did anyone watch our pathetic President on Tuesday nite?Thank God Obama wasn't president during the industrial revolution. We would still be living in the stone age.

Anonymous said...

people minding there own buisness,
there are people in this community who want to worry about what there neighbors are doing way to much,,if someone chooses to move a trailor on to there property ,then what buisness of it of yours,,did you ever consider that this is what they can afford ,,what if they have small children ,,would you rather they sleep in the streets ? .before your small minds make a smart coment ,,i live in a home ,,i bought and paid for my home ,putting in long hours and a lot of hard work,,,but if things happened and i was to wind up on the streets i would hope i could find a trailor ,or an rv to put my family in ,,,
people need to go back to the old ways ,,do not judge people unless you wish to be judged..you are no better than the person living next to you ,,,and if you think that you are then you better start reading your bible
i hope that you would help your neighbors instead of tring to bring ill will against them..
these are hard times for everyone ,,and just because you fill you have the right to judge ,,did you as a person ,first consider you maybe putting someone out on the street ...
now consider this ,,,,what if it were your family?
lighten up people ,,,worry about your own lives and keep your noses out of other peoples yards.................................................

Anonymous said...

If the people are staying in the camping trailer only on the weekends, I highly doubt it is a matter of what they can afford or that they are otherwise going to be on the street.

If someone moved a mobile home in near me, I would call the planning commission in a heartbeat and have...it was moved pretty quickly after that.

It isn't a matter of being nosy neighbors. There are meth labs popping up in these situations, and that is a health hazard to the residents that are already living there. That may not be what is going on here as it sounds more like people just camping out on weekends, but it never hurts to be aware of your surroundings and what is going on. It isn't being nosy, it's being safe and keeping your family safe.

The lack of toileting facilities could be a health risk and the county has rules about this.

Anonymous said...

Obviously if they're staying in the camper/trailer on weekends, it's their sabatical weekend retreat. Many of those out of Chicago think this is hickville, with no standards of living. But they also may be desiring to move out here, have a camper on there temporarily, and looking to build a house. I have land on Lake Latonka, and there is a clause in the bylaws that state, no campers of any kind until a house is built, even if the camper is not being used. They have this bylaw for this exact purpose.

Anonymous said...

i can honestly say i am ashamed of the people writing on here,,,
first off you apparently never found yourself in a hard place,,and perhaps lived some where that you did not desire to be ,,a trailor or mobile home is a home to some people ,and perhaps that is what they can afford,and as for you judging them and calling the plan commisioner on them ,,we;ll shame on you ,,have you heard of karma? what comes around goes around..i wish no i'll will on you ,,but you apparently wished it on someone else..
as for someone putting a rv on there own property ,,do you pay there taxes? there insurance or anything that is involved with there property? i doubt it ,,,so again karma.
i have 3 acres in this county ,own my home and pay my taxes ,,if i want to put something on my property ,,i say its my buisness,,
as they stated earlier if people would mind there own ,,there would be alot less problems...
as for the drug situation,,this is going on everywhere ,,you just need to turn on the news,,,oh and by the way ,,my father owns an r.v. camper,,i doubt he's making meth in it,,he retired from the army with 40 years in serving our country ,,,and when he read this he also said he is ashamed of the people who are judging people for what they have ,,they apparently worked for it ,,and when you come to try to take his r.v. he will sue the county...check your laws ,,he did

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see a dress code being enforced in the North Judson school. I'm tired of seeing the low cut tank tops and shirts with so much breast showing. I think it is in-appropriate dress for schools. As for the holes in the jeans why waste your money on buying them that way just throw some bleach on them and it will give you holes anywhere you want and not have to pay big money for them. Please parents a little modesty would be good. Going back to some old school dress codes would be nice.

Redskin Fan said...

Wow. With Boldry supposedly leaving soon, it would have been nice to get a coach of Dan Warkentein's caliber come to Knox. Boldry has accomlished some great feats with the Knox Basketball program, as we are greatful for his hard work, though some are unsatisfied with his personal life. But...I would like to see our head coaches in all the sports spend just a little time at the youth levels, coming to practice & games now & then, monitoring attitudes, giving advice, implement offenses & defenses schemes of the high school level, & help prepare our kids to have more success @ the high school level. For in all the years in baseball, football & basketball, I've never seen any asserted effort or communication, & it would pay huge dividends(though our wrestling has a great youth program that transitions kids well into high school). And for the kids to see that interest, would improve their drive, focus & hopefully ATTITUDES, & belief in themselves as a unit. Too many talented kids don't have families that motivate or push them, & they get lazy, displacent, & Knox, & the kids never reach their full potential. I see big tall kids not playing football, or basketball, thus we always lack depth on the line that is necessary in winning these 4th quarters against the likes of Andrean & such. I'm very proud of our kids, but we need a State Title here in Knox.

Anonymous said...

About the fella living in the camper, there's always flexability on the laws depending on the situation. If it a person using it as a get-away, w/ unsanitary conditions, some improvements need to be made. But I view us as a compassionate community, willing to reach out & help those in need. We can not pick or choose when to pat ourselves on the back. If this is a person in need, then we really can't make it MORE difficult on them. We should be so proud...& HUMBLE, to pray about it, & look for the opportunity, whether we pitch in & build, find a repo'd modular, or someway to show our unbiased care for one another. So 1st, let's pray about this, & for this person, have faith, & watch something wonderful happen here, for every problem, every issue, is an opportunity, through faith, to watch God work, in turn blessing us & our community. 50 yrs ago neighbors would've introduced themselves, & asked if they could help in any way. And those were some great years in our country, when our hearts were bigger. And with that mentality, you'll start seeing all sorts of people, things to pray for, either driving around, @ the store, where ever. But I'm certain our community will be blessed for it. Remember...all problems are opportunities in disguise, but it is in Faith that something better arises from it. So if you're lacking faith, you need to ASK for more. Have a great day, & I pray it's a wonderful, safe summer for all in Starke Co.

Tom Murray said...

Just tuned in to WKVI-AM and like the country music format. It's nice to hear an AM station play music...while I like talk radio once in awhile...music on AM reminds me of my teen years when almost every AM station was a music station. Keep up the good work. It's nice to know there are still community minded radio stations around.

Anonymous said...

I am not upset about the trailer on the lot but the LACK of toilet facilities and what it can do to the ground water as I get my water from a WELL and not city water. I do keep having my water tested to make sure nothing changes. I'm sure they have a nice house in Illinois somewhere as the are only out on weekends to spend time on the lake and party.

Anonymous said...

well with all the storms we have been having, the trailer may blow into someones else's hood.

whats the address of the trailer, to make some extra money i may start a tour business and drive people around to see the different wkvi blog landmarks.

stop #1 the trailer
#2 the woods they do #2 at
#3 the place on toto road that had the electric cord.
#4 the soccer and baseball fields
(anyone notice the plywood pitchers mounds, whered the dirt go)
#5 the hamlet water tower and cysco plant
#6 the chicago people homes
#7 the starke co health dept

didnt they already do this on seinfeld

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could get Kramer to drive the tour bus and don't forget to take them to the local dumping grounds...oh, that would be a lot of the ditches in Starke county I think.

I like the tour idea! You need some muffin stumps for the riders to dine on during the tour.

Anonymous said...

Trial cost comment:
Do you even know WHY the trials in our courts cost what they do ?? I think if you research where the money goes, you would be more interested in the reasoning for the high cost of services in this area, rather than the cost of justice. The cost of trials in this area are directly effected by the cost of goods/services necessary. I do not think you would be complaining about the cost if you were the one in the defense seat.

Anonymous said...

Ilinois people are in full force now! Don't say you weren't warned!

Anonymous said...

Another comment on the trial. My friend was on the jury and after the trial she said they get $40 a day. Some days they worked 8 to 6, one night she got home at 8pm. The last night stopped at 10 pm. Thats less than $4 an hour. They didn't go to a hotel, they went home everynite. I'm tired of people like you complaining. Good people worked hard for little pay and gave us justice in a murder case. I'm proud to be from Starke county!

Anonymous said...

Warned of "what" Illini-freak? Are you going to infiltrate us & become a Hoosier?

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day to all on Earth, in Heaven, and to Our Heavenly Father. Blessed day to all, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Anonymous said...

the news wasnt on till 7am monday morning, is that going to be the normal?

WKVI Radio said...

Wkvi had computer issues which resulted in the news not being played in the normal time slots this morning. The problem has been corrected. Sorry to all for the error.

Anonymous said...

thanks , but didnt really think tom was a computer/robot, i can only listen to 5am news, if i am not on the obits then i get up.

Anonymous said...

Why didn't WKVI report on the Knox School having Open Swim & Gym for June? Just great to find out through the Leader...after it's over. But not much of an open swim with only 2 days. As kids we used to go every week.

K99.3 WKVI's Jerry Curtis said...

I'm sorry you missed the announcements about Open Gym and Swim. I mentioned it 2 or 3 times during my show and I believe some of the other on air folks did, too. It's also been on our Community Calendar page at WKVI.com.

There's so much going on that it's hard to fit it all in. We'll just keep trying to do our best.


Anonymous said...

What's up with the main page being a day behind with the news? Those of us who don't have a chance to listen count on the website to get our news.

Anonymous said...

Yes, since we became aware of WKVI's website, it has become our main source for info in Starke Co. It's updated daily(as opposed to the Leader's website, which has the same 3 articles for 2-3 weeks), and we enjoy all the info, classifieds, etc. So, we thank you, WKVI, for providing us this service.

Anonymous said...

How come the county council is asking for raises? or even thinking about raises? People are out of work and at a time government should be trying a bit harder to more with less. Then they get pretty good health insurance. How much does that cost the tax payers?

Anonymous said...

E. Coli in the beach water at Bass Lake?? Will they close the whole lake if they have to close the beach? How stupid does that sound. If E. Coli is at the beach isn't it throughout the water in the lake? Should we be worried to even get into the waters, or is this just something to prevent the beach to be open due to others being mad campers are on the beach? Just my thoughts. Grow up there is nothing wrong with campers on the beach.

Anonymous said...

What year is the ground breaking for the Sysco plant taking place???

Anonymous said...

Good question! One we've all been asking for a long time! Is it EVER going to happen? Can someone from WKVI look into this for us? Perhaps an interview with Charlie Weaver....?

Anonymous said...

I will comment on a posting about the old baseball program and its money and equipment. The bylaws of the old league stated that in the event of the league folding that the Park Board would inherit all of its assets, not the Starke County Youth Club.

I was very sad to see the Babe Ruth League go away. There are a lot of kids that did not play this year due to the travel issue.

With what they had to work with, the KVA folks have done a great job. The folks who turned around the softball program allowed baseball this year. As long as the KVA continues to keep a balanced board, it will be a good thing. If they do not, well you see what happened to Babe Ruth...

Anonymous said...

You idiots crying about water being contaminated....All this time, before the sewage system was put in you had septic tanks 20 to 50 feet from your well. A lot of the county does now. Besides that a lot of them went from the leech field directly into the lake...

Anonymous said...

Well Once again looks like we are going into the General electiion with the status quo, have been a former republican I am very disgrntled with the leadership, maybe we need a third party Libertarian-Tea Party could become the first party if we get organized it is time that the people in this county woke up, the gop has a building downtown that is really nice but a building doesnt elect people

Anonymous said...

in regards to Ilinois people are in full force now! Don't say you weren't warned!I was on my harley last weekend crusing around Bass lake guess where the license plates were from that nearly hit me several time pulling out of side streets not looking stopping

Anonymous said...

About the trial that just ended ..Thank you to all the jury people,for their long hours.We the family of the victims feel that justice was served.It was a long and drawn out trial that could have been avoided.We appreciate all you time and effort in giving us some sense of closure to the senseless acts of the defendent..
Thank you again.